(History, Purpose, Kind, Effect) Naturopathic medicine is one of traditional medicines by Japanese Association for Alternative Medicine (JACT). Traditional medicines are consisted of the following traditional medicines- Ayuruveda, which originates five thousands years ago, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Kampo, which have developed originally in Japan, acupuncture and moxibustion, Unani Tibb, Tibet Medicine, homeopathy, Hot-spring therapy, and naturopathy etc. Naturopathic medicine is a medicine that cures humans by the healing power of nature that humans already have. People have thought that humans have the healing power of nature since ancient times, and its thought existed in traditional medicine. The basic concept with common mental and physical relation is that the mind and the body are integrated Unusual mind and body happen by unbalance of elements which are compose of body fluid. The mind and the body are closely related each other In Ayuruveda, it is supposed that the body, the mind, and the artmar exist. In modern conventional medicine, medical doctors finally depend on the healing power of nature. Until from eighteen century to the middle of nineteen century, medicine was “the medicine of hero. ”In the period, many patients were killed by bloodletting that was a rough cure. Naturopathy was established from doubts like this medicine of hero. Benedict Lust, who was a German doctor, established the Health Food Store and the Health Spa in In the First, do no harm (primum no nocere) Naturopathic medicine is a medicine that is natural and is compiled knowledge with diseases and newest knowledge of health and human body system basing to natural and without side-effects cures over many centuries. The researching fields of naturopathic medicine include primary care and family information, and they include every modality of naturopathic medicine from pediatrics to geriatrics. According to United States Department of Labor, Dictionary of Occupational Titles Definition of a Naturopathic Doctor Diagnoses, treats, and cares for patients, using system of practice that bases treatment of physiological functions and abnormal conditions on natural laws governing human body: Utilizes physiological, psychological, and mechanical methods, such as air, water, light, heat, earth, phytotherapy, food and herb therapy, psychotherapy, electrotherapy, physiotherapy, minor and orificial surgery, mechanotherapy, naturopathic corrections and manipulation, and natural methods or modalities, together with natural medicines natural processed foods, and herbs and nature's remedies. Excludes major surgery, therapeutic use of x-ray and radium, and use of drugs, except those assimilablesubstances containing elements or compounds of body tissues that are physiologically compatible to body processes for maintenance of life. Naturopathic doctors are able to have a clinic after getting a license. Naturopathic doctors are able to teach diet therapy, clinical nutrition, and life style. They are able to cure by combination of homeopathy, acupuncture, botanical medicine, hydrotherapy, physical therapy, massage, electric therapy, ultrasound surgery, light therapy, counseling, and medicinal treatment etc. World Health Organization (WHO) recommends integrating conventional medicine and naturopathic medicine.
(Naturopathic medicine in the world) For example, naturopathic doctor, who belong to in Ucheepines institute, Right diet that patients mainly take grains, vegetables, and fruits In German and France, naturopathic medicine is an orthodox medicine. In German, three percents of all doctors (about ten thousands) are acknowledged as naturopathic doctors. In Australia, there are eight naturopathic universities of about ninety schools of alternative medicine. There are over three thousands naturopathic doctors. In the world, there are many naturopathic clinics and many naturopathic medicines. In Switzerland, Paracelsus Clinic that was opened in 1958 is a clinic that doctors treat many patients in the world who suffer from cancer and incurable diseases by naturopathic medicine. The staff is composed to each five naturopathic doctors and dentists. It is that dental treatments are important, and doctors practice macrobiotics, herbs, detoxification of heavy metals, and homeopathy etc. The treatments are the following in detail. Dietetic treatment: Avoid refined grains and sugar to avoid deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Avoid saturated fatty acids, such as fats, oils, or margarine to prevent oxidation in the body. Avoid processed foods, such as food additives, food preservatives, and artificial sweeteners to inhibit enzymes of consumption. Avoidtap water which contains dangerous chemicals. Eat brown rice to detoxicate heavy metals by phytic acid. Eat organic vegetables and take moderately herbs. Exercise: Do aerobic exercise regularly to stimulate sweating. Excretion: Have regularly defecation, and do enteral irrigation if patients have persistent constipation. Sleep: Bedroom is darkened to stimulate the generation of melatonin, and go to bed until midnight. Sunbath: Expose sunlight even short time in daytime, and retina is exposed natural light. Supplement: Take organic vitamins and minerals. Remedy: Take remedies to detoxicate heavy metals. In There are two ways in the category of many naturopathic medicines. One of the two ways is that it is classified the body, the mind, and the sprit that are three existences in the living body. Another is that it is a way that is comprehensively improved healing power using natural environment. (Classification by Uebaba Dr.; Toyama Prefecture International Health Complex) Classification 1. Body Naturopathy Naturopathy that made up deficiency of nutrients: Dietetic treatment, Molecular diet therapy, Herbal therapy, Gerson therapy Immunotherapy for cancer and incurable diseases Naturopathy that give moderate stress and stimulation and remake the body again: thermotherapy, balneotherapy, placenta therapy Naturopathy for stimulating activation of enzymes: supplements, preparations of enzymes Naturopathy for adjusting physical distortions: Various physical therapies, Seitai (treatment employing acupressure and massage to straighten backbone and improve physical conditions), osteopathy, chiropractic, Judo therapy, Adjusting distortion of the body by Sotai, Qi gong, Tai chi, Yoga Diet of caloric restriction and fasting Naturopathy that stimulate skin and promote blood circulation: Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Acupressure, Anmo, Moxibustion of loguat leaves, massage, acupuncture to bleedlet, Aromatherapy, Oil massaging, Tuina, Rakken, Massaging foot, Apitherapy, Hydrotherapy, Hot-spring threrapy, Water Shiatsu, The purification of the body to remove toxins: Dialysis (purification in modern medicine), catharsis that promotes defecation and hidropoiesis, detoxification, Chelaton therapy, Detox, Panchakarma (Ayurveda) Classification 2. Mind Naturopathy Relaxing: Autogenic training, Progressive muscle, relaxation, Bio-feedback, Meditation Imaginations: hypnotherapy, Balneotherapy Introspective method Animal therapy: Rehabilitations using animals, recently, a trial that heals elder’s mind using seals of robots Art therapy: Color therapy, Horticultural therapy, Music therapy Body work-mental care with physical training: Yoga, Qi gong, Tai chi, Feldenkrais,Sotai etc. Classification 3. Spiritual Naturopathy Life Energy and Vital therapy: Reiki, Spiritual healing, Qi gong, spreading hands, dispelling genii, treatments by hand power, Bach flower remedies, Homeopathy Pray therapy: Theotherapy, Buddhist memorial service burning small pieces of wood, Yagya (Ayurveda) Meditation: Mantram from Yoga, Sutra, Vipassana, Aanaapaanassati of Buddhism, Hypnotherapy Classification 4. Holistic Naturopathy Thalassotherapy in Balneotherapy in Ayuruveda: Panchakarma (using sanatoriums) Horticultural therapy Balneotherapy in Holistic medicine
(Naturopathic Medicine in There are macrobiotics and Nishi system in folk medicine, and Koda’s therapy and Morishita’s naturopathic medicine in medical institution. Yukikazu Sakurazawa (1893-1966) established macrobiotics. He recovered by Sagen Ishiduka’s diet, so he integrated Sagen Ishiduka’s diet and yin-yang in China, and he developed brown rice and vegetable diet as maicrobiotics.In Western world, he was very famous for George Ohsawa and macrobiotics. He visited over thirty countries to spread macrobiotics and its life style, and he wrote over three hundreds books. Katsuzo Nishi (1884-1959) established Nishi system. It is a folk medicine that established by his experience. He researched medicines in the world and Japan and tried them, and these medicines were three hundreds sixty-two kinds. He first introduced Nishi system in 1927, and its therapy has integrated treatment system. Its primary elements are composed of the skin, limbs, nutrition, and mind. Six laws and exercises are the flat bed, solid pillow, goldfish exercise, capillarity exercise, and palm and sole joining exercise. Its medicine is one of naturopathic medicines in Japan that characterizescatharsis, Kaki-cha, drinking fresh water, and no breakfast and light eating. Dr. Mitsuo Koda established Koda therapy. He practiced and researched macrobiotics and other folk therapies with researching Nishi system, fasting, and raw vegetable diet. He established his clinic as a unique health-teaching doctor practicing these naturopathic medicines. He was able to treat patients who had many incurable diseases in modern medicine. Its primary principles are the following. Fasting: no have meals to detoxicate or remove poisons and promote organ system Nutrition: diet that stimulates organ and blood circulation to enhance immune Physical enhancement and correction by exercise: Physical enhancement and correction for healthy body to promote body system He wrote many books, such as“Science of fasting therapy,” “Raw food diet,” and “Prevention of cancer.” Keiichi Morishita established Morishita naturopathic medicine. He has studied for fifty years as a hematic physiologist. He found that people should least eat animal proteins and more eat grains and vegetables. He put forward the diet therapy that was regarded blood purification as important by original Theory of Morishita Naturopathic Medicine in 1960.In 1977, the theory was epidemiologicly cleared by Mcgaban report of the House of Lords in the US. He proved that cancers were treated by blood purification as a scientific witness of problems of cancer in the special commission of measures for the encouragement of scientific technology of the House of Representatives. His theory was also proved in the recommendation of the National Academy of Sciences in 1982.In 1970, he established his clinic by his theory. He has investigated the following place of longevity in the world since 1975- Caucasa, China, Hunza, and Vilcabamba in Latin America. He wrote over eighty books that were from scientific to easy. The examples of books are “Cancer is not scared,” “The foundation of Naturopathic medicine,” “Natural clinical diet therapy,” and “Analysis of peripheral blood and contaminants-Especially meridian hemopoiesis.” (Evidence Based Medicine by Naturopathic Medicine) Some cases that were gotten better their health or were recovered by Ayuruveda and naturopathic medicines are introduced as evidence based medicine. Case 1. Aug. 2003, 67 years old, man: He was diagnosed liver cancer in the hospital, and his doctor recommended surgery. However, he chose naturopathic medicine to treat his cancer.? He changed his life style and diet.? He also took forty kinds of herbal medicines, such as monoterpenes and alfalfa, and over one hundred kinds of supplements, such as vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. He was taken blood and urine examination every few weeks, and it was confirmed that he was gradually recovering. (11) Case 2. Sep. 2003, 70 years old, man: He had suffered from diabetes for twenty-five years old and had taken insulin injection two times a day since three years and half. He was had advising of life improvement. He reduced aritificial juices, soft drinks, and canned coffee, and he drank priority water? He started to take herbal medicines and supplements at the same time. Since December, his blood glucose changed to normal without insulin injection. Case 3. Sep. 1999, 46 years old, man: He was diagnosed intractable Idiopathic Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head, and he was going to have a surgery. However, his surgery was postponed, and his diet and life style were changed, and he took botanical medicines and supplements. Two weeks later, he was able to walk without a stick. Also, clinical examination more improved than last time. A few months later, his life style improved. Case 4. Sep. 2005, 53 years old, woman: She had had a cold for a long time and had a lot of spots on her skin and visited a hospital. She was diagnosed as thrombocytopenia. Her number of platelets is 2,000.Her doctor recommended enucleating her spleen, but she chose naturopathic medicine. She changed her diet and took supplemental drink, such as vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, and she took botanical medicines. One month later, her platelets improved to 50,000, and her liver system also improved, so she did not need to have surgery?Three months later, her platelets improved to 150,000. By various over 200 cases in
(Background that needs Naturopathic Medicine) Currently, there are few hundreds kinds of intractable diseases in Japan. Japanese government designated only one hundreds one diseases of them as researching diseases. Forty-five diseases of them were designated as special intractable diseases. Medical recipients of special intractable diseases that were started to issue medical benefits in 1972 have increased every year (table 2).In 1972, they were 17,595 recipients, in 1986, they were 139,785 recipients, and in 2004, they were 541,704 recipients. Patients, who suffer from hypertension, diabetes, endometriosis, dialysis, and rheumatism that are excepted from intractable diseases, also haveincreased every year. Similarly, Rare Diseases Act of 2002 of the US said that there are over 6,000 of rare diseases and twenty-five millions numbers (10 percent of population in the US) in June 2002.It also said that their diseases were very incurable and rare, so development of their medicines was very difficult. There were four hundreds thousands of patients of multiple sclerosis (MS) in the US (one thousand patients in Japan) and one million of patients of autism in the US (one hundred-fifty thousands patients in Japan). The problems of rare diseases are more serious in the US than in Japan. The true nature of the problems is what rare diseases that have increased since the middle of twenty century were caused.One reason of these causes is supposed bad influences of nature, environment, and ecosystem by production of enormous and original chemicals in the manufacturing industry in the process of economic growth after World War II. Conventional medical doctors including the forefront medicine have treated these patients in symptomatic treatment, and these treatments have contributed to be up the rate oflife? However, their complete recoveries are very difficult? In these situations, as a first step of the fusion of conventional medicine and alternative medicine, Japanese Society for Integrative Medicine that gives the most suitable medicine to individual patients was established in 2002.It is expected investigation and treatment of intractable diseases, reduction of lifestyle diseases and chronic diseases, and individual health improvements basing on preventive medicine. The sublated and integrated development of naturopathic medicine, which is based on physical and mental healing power of nature, and conventional medicine is needed to promote “personal medicine” for patients. Reference 1) Atusmi, Kazuhiko. (2000). Jibun wo mamoru kanjagaku. PHP shinsho. 2) Hatai Ben. (2003). The world of Ayuruveda. Shuppan sinsha. 3) Moricita, Keiichi. (2001). The foundation of naturopathic medicine. Midori shobo. 4) Uebaba, Kazho. (2005). Yellow page of alterative medicine and integrated medicine. Kawade shobo shinsha. 5) Masuyama, The challenge to medical frontier. Hiroaki, Masuyama.& Nobuki, 6)“Zone Therapy or Relieving Pain and Sickness by Nerve Pressure” Lust B 7) Weil, Andrew. (2000). Eating well for optimum health. Quill, 8) Jindal, S. R. (1996). Nature Care: A way of life. 9) Smith, M. Peet. (2001). My Doctor Says I’m fine…So Why Do I Feel So Bad.Zimmerman Shoshana, Blue Dolphin, Nevada CA. 10) Michael, Joseph Pizzorno. (1997). Encyclopedia of natural medicine. T. Murray, Three Rivers Press. 11) Momma, Tokio. (2003). Herbal treatment and supplemental treatment for liver cancer. A Treatise in AYU, 12) http://www.nanbyou.or.jp/ 13) https://www.bastyr.edu/academic/naturopath 14) http://www.state.mt.us/dli/bsd/license/bsd 15) http://www.chishima.ac/jouhou.htm Dr. Koda (1924-) graduated from Dr. Morishita. graduated from |